March 2023

I've just finished reading Tease Me Once. It's my first from Willow Winters. I'm still trying to figure out where I draw the line with some topics. I just started reading smut books in the last 2 years so these are all very new to me.
I was uncomfortable with book 1. I almost quit a few times. But, when I really thought about how this is just for entertainment value and not real (although I know this happens in the real world), I was able to read the book with more openness. I let go of what's right and wrong and just dove into the story with a blank slate. It still will make me uncomfortable every once in a while, but I think it's a measure of how good your writing is that I'm feeling a lot of emotions through it all. Whether it's good or bad emotions, it's giving me something that I want to feel reading a book. So, I'm happily continuing with book 2. I'm actually barreling through it since last night that I'm already halfway through.
It's very interesting how the "power" switches between the two even though he thinks he controls it all and she thinks she has no control at all. It's those moments when they think they know, when it's really the opposite. Does that make any sense?
To make myself perfectly clear, I am not saying it's okay to be treated in such a fashion and I do not think it's acceptable in real life. But, the story is gripping and compelling. The chemistry between Declan and Braelynn sizzles and pulls you in.
His dominance and strength with her innocence and inexperience is at the forefront, but when you dig in a bit more towards the end, it starts to switch between them. I enjoyed that subtlety right in the end and after finishing book two, I'll Kiss You Twice, it really does switch between the characters more prominently.
Tease Me Once and I'll Kiss You Twice are true masterpieces woven intricately and it leaves you wanting for more. I can't wait to dive into book three, Then I'm Yours.
5 Stars